
Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Shutter Island 禁闭岛


Leonardo DiCaprio 饰演的 Marshal Teddy 和伙伴 Chuck去到这孤岛,  为了调查岛上疯人罪犯病院的失踪案。一个女病人在锁着的病房里失踪,  房里的窗口却是没法被打开的,可谓密室失踪。女病人的罪状是将3名亲生孩子溺死。

Teddy 和 Chuck初到岛上。
当Teddy在女病人房里时,他在地板下发现一张写着"The law of 4; who is 67?"的字条, ,可是无人能解释当中的意义。

Teddy 和 Chuck以及主治医生。
接下来,暴风雨降临,他们没法离开。而且,他们发觉病院里的所有的人,包挂主治心理医生, 都不愿与他们配合,使到调查工作困难重重,不只如此,各种怪异的事情接二連三的发生。
Teddy 已不能冷静下来了。

然后,  在毫无先兆下,医院员工找到失踪的病人,但并没有做出任何解释。

Ward C是恐怖的牢房。

Teddy 觉得很疑惑, 决定和Chuck闯入被禁止的 C Ward. 在哪他看到一个被关在铁牢全身赤裸的病犯,  病犯告诉他在海边的灯塔里,医生做了不可告人的密秘,他们对病患进行脑部手术。他在最后还告诉Teddy其实所有的人是在与Teddy玩一项游戏, Teddy听得一头雾水,感到更加疑惑,决定到灯塔探个究竟。半途中与Chuck失散,却在一个山洞发现自称是真正的失踪女病患的女人,因他发现了医院的不可告人的密秘,结果被他们当病患禁锢,他说他们在做一种可以控制人类脑部的研究。

~  看到这里,疑点重重,肯定医院真是很有问题,一定是在做着某项犯法的勾当,但好戏却在后头。
Teddy过后回到医院,向主治医生问起Chuck, 听到的答案竟然是没有这个人,从开始都是Teddy自己一个人。什么!怎会如此?(Chuck是不是已遇害了?)


从一开始,就是一出戏,目的是希望能唤醒真正的Teddy。可怜的Teddy经历这么悲惨的家变,完全把真正的自己封闭,为自己打造另一个角色 - Marshal Teddy, 原名是Andrew Laeddis ! Teddy听后惊骇的晕了过去。

接着镜头一转,转到了事发当天。当时的Andrew放工回到在湖边美丽的屋子,找遍静悄悄的屋子都没回应,然后在湖边看到妻子坐在千秋上,神情呆呆,被问起孩子时说他们在学校,可是当天却是周末,不祥的感觉出现在脸上,突然目光望见湖上漂着的物体,  痛彻心扉的大叫.  一边冲进湖里捞起女儿企图抢救,但已太迟了,孩子们都死了!他将孩子一一捞起,并排在草地,悲痛不能自己,这时妻子呆呆的走向他,抱着他,他抱着妻子,脸部痛苦的扭曲,接着“PANG‘的一声,妻子死了,留下Andrew一人和4具尸体在湖边。


最后的一幕是Teddy和Chuck (其实是另一位医生),  坐在台阶上,他称医生为Chuck, 还说他们是时候离开这岛了,医生听后就向远处的主治医生摇头表示Teddy又病发了。

在被带走的那刻,Teddy问医生 "Which would be worse? To live as a monster, or die as a good man?",显示Teddy其实并没发病,然后他便被带走。

~ 清醒后的Teddy想起了自己的经历,还怎能再过正常的人生,就假装病发,让他们为他进行那“电脑”的手术。

~ 看完后,我和女儿说起,千方百计的将他治好,带来的却是如此惨痛的回忆,有何意义?倒不如让他继续下去, 至少他不需痛苦下去。当然这是消极的想法,但站在人道立场,这还可行吗?前提是他必须能照顾自己,并且不会做伤害或破坏的事情。


~ 电影是依照同名的小说拍成的,作者是Dennis Lehane, 最后的那句"Which would be worse? To live as a monster, or die as a good man?" ,  并没在书里出现。 剧情转折的安排,非常的吸引人,最后的真相真是一绝。

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Eyebrows lifting surgery

Never ever in my wildest imagination that I would actually go for plastic surgery in my life, though secretly I DID think about it!

I sent Bao to the renowned skin specialist Dr Ko's clinic for her acne problem about 2 months ago. Dr Ko was recommended to me by the hair stylist I frequented. I sent her to Dr Ranjit Singh in SS15 who is also very popular quite some time ago but it didn't help. Anyway, we went to Dr Ko's in Taipan and I am quite happy with the improvement.

I had been toying with the idea of consulting the young Dr Chan with my own problem right from the beginning. But it was only after a few visits that I found myself comfortable enough to ask for his advise. I started by asking him the ways to improve the area between my eyes. There he went on to explain in the medical terms which I don't really understand but I do understand the key word - Botox, the word I only read about in magazines! And of course I knew it wouldn't last! For 300, even it can only last 3 months, it's still worthwhile!

Botox injection.

Then I further asked him about the heavily drooping eyelids, that was when my heart went beating fast! He said it can be done with a very minor surgery, by cutting off the excessive skin of the eyelids! The cut is done on the eyebrow itself and so it will not be visible. The $$, is 3.5k, acceptable.

Over the next 2 weeks, the idea had been in my mind over and over again and again...until I went for the botox and paid 30% downpayment for the eyebrow lifting surgery.

Til the day before the surgery, I was still asking myself what am I putting myself into. Feeling guilty ... at the same time I know I will not be satisfied unless I really go for it.

And so last Friday morning, the father drove me together with Bao who is having holidays to the clinic. It's huge alright, but not as posh as what I expected it to be.

The property stretch all the way to the left wing.
Anyway, the nurse brought me to one of the rooms after the confirmation of the appt. She took the details and put on a robe on me. Then the surgeon came in and talked for a while. I was confused when he said that the eyes will still looks puffy after the surgery because of the thick fat. I didn't think much about what he said then.

Heavy and drooping eyelids.
I was then made to wait in the room. It was very quiet and I was getting very uncomfortable. Finally the nurse came in and told me to follow her to the operating theater just across the isle. The moment I stepped inside, I saw the usual operating bed and the overhead lights. And they played pop music in there! Besides the surgeon, there are 3 other nurses and they were happily chatting among themselves. The atmosphere was very casual unlike my previous operation encounter.

They took my blood pressure again, put something on one of my legs and then my finger. Another nurse told me she would inject the sedation and made me sleep. Someone then shaved my eyebrow and started to draw on my eyelids. I felt her measuring around the eyes and then she showed me a mirror. Then without any warnings, they dropped some liquid into my eyes and that really hurt. I felt strange when the surgeon suddenly asked me whether I consume alcoholic drinks and I answered yes. He further asked whether I take it regularly and I answered yes again. Then I couldn't hear anything anymore.

The next thing I felt I was in a very comfortable slumbering stage but I also felt them working on my eyelids very vaguely. Then they were calling me and told me it was done. I sat up and stepped down from the bed and sat on the wheel chair as instructed in a stage of daze. Then I was wheeled back to the room earlier and was put on the bed and I slept. When I woke up a short while later, we went home straight away. The whole process lasted 2 hours only.  I slept thru the whole afternoon.

The 2 pcs of the skin they removed are quite big in size. 

At home resting in bed. Eyes obviously lifted. Feeling very drowsy and giddy.
The stitches are quite neat.
At night, I didn't eat much and felt really bad, almost throw up a few times. Finally fell asleep at 9.30pm. No pain from the wound but a headache was developing. The eyebrow where the stitches area feels very stiff and hard.

Taken the next mornig, left eye can hardly open, badly swollen. Bruises building up, headache..having problem watching TV and reading.  Blood clots on both wounds.
3rd day, right eye still swollen and badly bruised, however left eye not as bad. The headache was still there. I reckon it's bcos the skin is being stretch when I try to open the eyes. At night, a spot on the left eyebrow started to bleed and it lasted till wee hours. Didn't sleep until the bleeding stopped.
4th day, swelling reduced. Eyes can open up. Bruises changed from dark purple to yellow. Looked really ugly. Headache stopped.
5th day, swelling subsiding, eyes can open up fully. However, new swelling develop on the eye bag area and below.

6th day, lots of improvement. Eyes can open fully with no effort. Can feel hard lump below the right eye and bruises stretch to the area. Finally dare to wash the stitches area. Bao had helped to wash my hair for the last 5 days to avoid wetting the stitches. Wash only the lower face and wipe the forehead with wet tissue.

7th day, before going for removal of the stitches. Swelling on the cheek area subsided. Stitches area felt itchy and sensitive. 

At the clinic after the removal of the stitches, waiting for laser treatment between the eyes area after they applied the numb cream.

The laser was quite painful and it emerged burning smell. 
The eyebrows area turned red after the removal of stitches. Antiseptic cream were being applied after that.

The next thing I have to do is to go for the eyebrows embroidery after 3 months which is complimentary because I had it previously. My shaved eyebrow will not be grown again. 

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Ipoh - Plan B

近来,吹起一股“怡保美食风”,许多人都会专程到这好山好水的好地方,寻找美味的芽菜鸡、盐焗鸡、沙河粉、点心、咖喱面、炒粿条、asam laksa,更有驰名的白咔啡,还来个egg custard, 哇!不得了!就快把槟城给比下去,不让槟城独领风骚嚟!巴生谷一带的人们,不必花个4小时到槟城,只需2个小时就可去到怡保,还可在四面环山的城镇走走看看,真好!我们当然也要凑凑这热闹!

出发前,上网做了不少功课,新源隆是original old town white coffee的所在地,南香、新香而浓、南洲的白咖啡都好喝,当然还有老王芽菜鸡,天津的egg custard, 才记饼家,  加上数也数不完近期冒起的café,都在召唤着我们。但我们因为时间上不允许,没去到那些茶室,而是由Lai到旧街场那带打包了回来给我们吃。晚餐则到屋主介绍的奇怪酒楼吃。


第二天的午餐我们去到闻名已久但一直还没去吃的Plan B. 









真心喜欢这墙,posters 也衬的好。

吃饱后,  走到餐厅旁边的小巷,原来那一带是很happening的....


小家伙累了, 妈妈怀里睡得正香。


Nature has reclaimed its cause?


原来这里就是那闻名的 architect Ng Sek San 的 Sekeping Kong Heng.




在Plan B右边的便是这众所皆知的天津茶室和它的egg custard,里面不少慕名而来的顾客。。

