
Friday, 28 September 2012

Interlude 插曲

Educa jigsaw puzzles is one of the best quality in the world. They are made in Barcelona, Spain. When I received mine promptly approximately 3 weeks after I made the order, I found out that it is indeed made of the best quality. 

The seller is in Belgium.


Painting entitled "Interlude", meaning "Between Play", is an oil painting by Sir Williams Reynolds-Stephens. He was a British artist who was born in 1862 and had deceased in 1943. It is a very beautiful painting and is exactly what I expect it to be.

All the 3,000 pieces of jigsaw puzzles are in a plastic bag. After i opened the plastic bags, I touched the pieces and found that they are "crispy" to the touch, I am so very happy with the quality. This is going to make my fixing even more inspiring.


Monday, 24 September 2012

那一天我们在Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse

那一天当我们在Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse时,正当太阳正向西面下沉时刻,没有艳丽的晚霞,却有蓝的不能再蓝的天,一望无际的南大洋,加上超级强劲的海风,大地显得如此的厐大,人反之却显得有奌凉飕飕。。。。好象到了世界的尽头。

面对一览无遗的海洋,我们站在Western Australia 最西南端的边缘,再往南下就完全没有陆地了,只有南极洲。人真的感觉有奌飘飘荡荡的、心裡荒凉荒凉的,is this The End of the World?

无窮无尽的 Southern Ocean 与 Indian Ocean 的交接处。 


纯净蓝的不能再蓝的天,  完全沒有一丝的白,一切好像静止了。 

Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse建于1895年,高36m, 共有7层,186级 ,大理石打造。至今还在运作,帮助导航不少船只渡过危险海角。可惜我们错过了开放时间,沒來得及赶上游览内部的机会。可以想象在塔顶的风景是如何的美。

南极洲在大约5千km之外的那一边, 感觉不像很遥远。


Friday, 14 September 2012

Jigsaw Puzzle 拼图 - The Kiss

This is the biggest I did so far. 3,000pcs painting entitled "The Kiss" by German artist Gustav Klimt in 1908, the original is in Vienna. Did it about 10 years ago. Didn't get it frame though, missing 1pc and also it's big. I remembered I took a long time to finish working only 2-3 hrs a night. 

It was not difficult to fix. As usual I got it sorted out by colors first. Started with the face and the dress which are the most significant. I did it on a piece of mounting board on the dinning table. Usually the puzzle would be on the able until it was done.

The piece which is defected here was the result of  Bau's teeth. She was probably only 2 - 3 years old. I would keep her away from the table most of the time. But she managed to grab 2pcs once and started to munch in her mouth. I remembered I had to pry open her mouth with my hands and dug the pieces out in time. Luckily it's not noticeable at all. I will have to do something about the missing piece soon.   

The missing piece.
Lilo, the dog, was very curious when i put the puzzle on the floor to take the photos. 

While i was busying with the camera, one of the loose piece fell and ended in Lilo, our dog's mouth. When i found out, she quickly ran away and hide under the coffee table.  

Jigsaw Puzzle 拼图 - The Zodiac

Glow in the dark, 2,000pcs Zodiac is still very beautiful after all these years in my storeroom. It's made with very high quality board and print. The 12 zodiac are all very different hence fixing it was very easy.  

The frame which is a very simple had detached from the puzzle.

It's a painting by a Japanese Artist, Kagaya.

Leo and Capricom.

Aries, Gemini, and Aquarius.

Sagittarius and Cancer

Libra and Pisces.


Jigsaw Puzzle 拼图

 Unframed 1,500pcs by Falcon in England, fixed about 8 years ago.
It's been years since I did my last jigsaw puzzle. Somehow over the years, my passion for jigsaw puzzle had diminished until 1 fine day in August 2012.

It just triggered my mind out of the blue. My mind was suddenly filled with all the pleasure I enjoyed when I was fixing the pieces up. While I was browsing the net, I read so much from other jigsaw puzzle enthusiast. When the urge is being summoned, it will not stop. I have to do it again!!

Not to be too ambitious, I ordered a 3,000 pieces from ebay, it's now on its way all the way from Belgium! But the 5,000, 6,000 and even 8,000 pieces are calling! Am asking myself, could I possibly do the biggest in the world? 32,256 pieces?? down...the price is sky high....the size is 124"x75"!!! Maybe I can do the 24,000 pieces instead, maybe!

 "Reach for the stars", 1,000pcs, did about 10 years ago, very easy. Nicely framed with non-reflective glass. 

1,000pcs, did in early 90s, moderate difficulty.

1,000pcs, luminous gold under spotlight, very beautiful.
1,000pcs panorama jigsaw puzzle.  

Declared the biggest in the world in 2010, 24,000pcs jigsaw puzzle . Don't think it's very difficult because it comes in a few plastic bags. One can easily fix it part by part, probably 6,000pcs each part, still it's very challenging.
In 2011, this 32,256pcs puzzle had become the world's largest. It's 17'x6', weighed 18kg. Already they are many jigsaw puzzle enthusiast around the word who had done it. You need a cart to move it. The price? USD300+, excluding shipping cost.

It also come in a few plastic bags. Can fix according to the bags, which are different sections of the puzzle. 

To make it even more challenging, some chose to mix all 32k pieces up before start fixing. Crazy? No, it's challenging. The result will be very satisfactory and fulfilling!!

My biggest so far is only 3,000pcs. Will go for 5,000 or 6,000pcs next, then 8,000 and 9,000 ......

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Room 房间

5 岁的Jack每天晚上都睡在房间里的衣柜里, 他以为世界就是他所住的房间。

他的生命里只有母亲, Ma, 还有“照顾”他们的Old Nick。只有Old Nick拥有房间的钥匙,每天晚上Old Nick会带來食物和日常用品。

当Old Nick來时,Ma会让Jack 睡在衣柜里, 因为Ma不要Jack看到Old Nick进来后和他做什么, 可是Jack能听得到他们发出的声音,Jack叫这种声音为Crack the bed的声音。

他们的房间里有小厨房、 浴室、 衣柜和电视机。 每天他在房间里和Ma一起学习、 睡觉、吃饭、玩耍。 他以为电视里的世界是不存在的。有一次,Ma站在桌子上,将Jack高高举起,让他从房间顶端上的圆形玻璃向外看,但Jack只看到蓝色的天空.

一天, Jack不小心激怒了Old Nick, Old Nick便使用暴力对待Ma, 还把电源关了, 让他们在黑暗和寒冷中过了几天,然后 Ma兴起了逃走的念头.

Ma的计划是让Jack装死, 然后在出到外面后求助。 Ma让Jack排练了很多次。 当天,  Ma将Jack用席子包裹好,  当Old Nick进来后,  Ma便哭诉说Jack死了,  求Old Nick将他埋葬。就这样Jack就被放在Old Nick的小卡车后,  Jack在卡车后紧张到几乎窒息, Jack心里一直想着Ma的吩咐,  Ma吩咐Jack注意卡车停的次数,然后在合适的时刻跳车,跳车后立刻发狂的奔跑。可是当Jack终于鼓足勇气在卡车停止时跳车后,Old Nick发现了,Old Nick下车追逐奔跑的Jack,幸运的是Jack遇见了好心的人,终于獲救。之后警方从Jack口中,成功发现Ma的所在,Ma在走出房间时才看到自己被禁固了7年的房间是一个貨柜,而且是在一所屋子的后院。

Ma在7年前被Old Nick拐走后一直被禁固在Old Nick住家后院的貨柜里,成为他的发洩工具,还生下Jack。Ma在初期时也试过逃生,知道不可能后,絕望的放弃。可是为了Jack,Ma终于做到了。

Room是Emma Donoghue从颤惊全世界的Josef Fritzl case得到的灵感创作的小说。Josef Fritzl 将自己的女儿禁固在家裡的地下室长达24年,生了7个小孩,犯下人神共愤、天地不容的罪行。