
Monday, 25 August 2014



后来就很少接触到,也没想到看,大多看英文的。再后来,在网络看到,在班公室打印出来 (当然是用recycle-paper。。。老板不在时)。记得看了赤川次郎的,觉得太冗长了,陆陆续续也看了一些其他的。

最近无意间在一个部落上看到了一个推理小说迷的博文,知道了有一间城邦书局。又再另一个部落上看到了The Devotion Of Suspect X,看了(大呼过瘾)后,日本推理小说瘾被挑起了!







另外, 这书是台湾版的, 是繁体字,有点不习惯,很久没看繁体字。

Jessica Sanchez-I Surrender

Another favorite song of me performed by Jessica Sanchez when she was only 11 years old.

Arisxandra Libantino stuns singing 'One Night Only' - Week 1 Auditions |...

One of my favorite songs and she has to present it in such a way that it brings tears to my eyes.

Can't believe that the powerful voice belongs to an 11-year-old girl.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Online Shopping with Taobao

After a few successful purchases with taobao, i am generally happy with the service and most of the items.

And so the excitement continues....

This is the latest, the one I received yesterday in the office.

The receptionist said "Ms Candy asik beli aja..." when she brought me yet another package. I told her I am buying for my daughter.
As always, the items are in their original packaging.
The first box I opened is the purse Bao has been bugging me for since the day I placed the order. She fell for it immediately the moment she laid her eyes on it.

The thrill is opening it up to reveal what is inside. The packaging is fantastic with a card for return and a paper bag plus a small name card holder as a token of appreciation.
Next, I opened the book which is already out of print. I wanted to order more but was worried about the quality because it only cost RMB20.20+5 for postage.

Bubble packed! The book is in perfect condition and the quality is great! I now know where to get the out-of-print copy from my favorite author. 
Then only I moved to the other 2 boxes which contain clothes.

As always , this is how they packed the clothes.
This is my dress. For only RMB129.00, i don't think I need to expect better. For this, I received a mouse pad. Most of the plastic bags are of good quality with zippers.

Inside this box, I found Bao's t-shirt with a very beautiful paper bag.

Bao's shirt looks beautiful on her.

I always share my experiences with my colleagues who are much younger than me. Not only them, their friends are also buying from Taobao and Tmall and are happy with what they received. What happen to those shops out there? I read that a lot of fashion house in China can't sustain the shop and they have to close some shops and turn to online.

We are truly amazed with how extensive and established the website is. It is very well designed with anything from shopping up to status of your delivery. You do not need to worry about the combine delivery. They just know what to do. After you confirm the delivery, you just sit back and wait for your package, it usually takes about a week only.

PS:  The prices of the same piece of fashion sometimes varies a lot in different shop. Usually I am extra careful with this type of clothes which is not from the local designer. I reckon they are replica from different manufacturer.

Monday, 18 August 2014

Food Ordering & Groceries Shopping Online

Bao will sit for the trial exam soon, so we do not want to disturb her revision by having meals outside.
Working hard....sticking notes on the door of her wardrobe
But we are tired of Pizza Hut & MacDonald. And then I recalled someone mentioned food delivery service to me before. So I typed "order food online in selangor" in the browser, and a list of results appeared. (u may say that why don't u cook? Ya, i know....)

I clicked on the first one that says order food online, the name is room service. I was asked to fill in the area first. Then a list of restaurants appeared. Not many, less than 20.  Hmm....let's try another one.

The next is food panda. Again, identify our location first. The list appeared. I chose Din Tai Fung, one of our favorites. The menu appeared. I clicked on the dishes we wanted and the amount calculated in a box on the right of the page. The service charge is only RM4.00. It's a bargain! I confirmed the order and in a short while, an sms from the company saying that the order is confirmed and it will delivered in about an hour time.

Less than 1 hour later, a motorcycle arrived with our food all nicely packed in reheatable container complete with sources and ginger for the dumpling and disposable cutlery. (forgot to take pictures, couldn't wait to eat)

The food was packed inside this paper bag.
A must, Xiao long bao.

 Picture taken when we patronized the restaurant previously.
It's so simple! I do not have to change and make my face up and go thru the traffic and look for parking space and queue in front of the shop and wait for the food.

The queue at Empire Shopping Gallery. picture courtesy of 

Next, I tried Tesco online shop, a place I heard before but have yet to try.  The shop is well labeled with things from groceries to everything you need at home. I made my purchase and asked to choose a slot for delivery. Apparently they have delivery every 2 hours with charges of RM8 and RM10. As my purchase is more than RM100, I enjoyed free delivery!

The truck arrived promptly with the ice-cream and yogurts still cold. For this service, they only accept a credit cards.

Just to try out, i ordered only the essential items.
And now I don't have to queue at the cashier with trolley full of groceries and food stuff, how i hate it. And if we don't feel like going out to have meals, we can order online besides pizza hut and macdonald deliveries. For fashions, I can order either locally or Tmall, IF I don't want to join the crowd. I am loving every bit of e commerce and really enjoy the advantage of modern living !        

The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair



回家后, 就迫不及待的马上开始看。开头的几张,觉得还不错,年轻有为的作者。

然后呢,觉得在游花园,这花园真的很大。各种各样的花草树木,看得眼花撩乱。一边游, 一边在盼那奇景的出现。

心里几乎肯定那真相一定会像差点从床上掉下的的一样! 但没有,最后的几章了,我还是稳稳的躺在床上。

作天下午,就把书拿下楼,躺在客厅的沙发继续等那刻, 结果一直翻到最后几页,我还是好好的躺着。

故事通过一个作家和他的师傅做为主角,关于一个已失踪了33年的少女,围绕在一个小镇和它的居民身上, 还有师傅很出名的书。少女的尸首在33年后在师傅的家的范围内被发现,师傅成了最大嫌犯,当时他们是恋人,当时34岁的师傅和只有15岁的少女!作家就下定決心要查个水落石出,还师傅一个清白。




将作者与Stieg Larsson比较确实有点过火, 写法和情节安排有点不是那么顺畅和完美, 太复杂,反复无常。

Friday, 1 August 2014

豆原 Typica Cafe

在看了好几个人介绍过的豆原后,抱着好奇的心态,在前去KLCC的书展前,找到位于Shaw Parade的cafe。


坐下后,  有个亲切的小妹走过来问我们是否第一次到,我就说是看了一些blogger的推介而到的。然后他就开始对我们简单的讲解餐牌里的咖啡,他说咖啡豆是本地的Liberica咖啡,是店主亲自挑和炒的,绝对新鲜。
由于我对黑咖啡有点敏感,就让Vivian点店里的siphon coffe (一种用细管将咖啡由下吸向上,再往下流的煮法) ,而我点的是加了lavendar的白咖啡,女儿只得点个sasi。
小妹过后端来一小碟咖啡豆让我们闻闻,还叫Vivian尝尝,然后又拿来一个小小咖啡磨豆器, 让我们亲自磨咖啡。



Vivian的说法是咖啡还蛮淡的,清清的,不像一般的kopi o,哎呀,这怎能相提并论呢!我只能说我们真是门外汉,白白浪费了还蛮贵的咖啡。

而我的呢,平时喝惯了浓浓的Starbucks 和 Coffee Bean,这味道我却说不上,但是呢。。。喝过后,那味道却一直留在嘴里,许久都不散,就是这样的吧?!是这样的感受吧?!



除了多年前在Bali,见识了闻名遐迩的“猫屎”咖啡,还有的就是只在小说中看过举世闻名的蓝山咖啡和爱尔兰咖啡,其他的都一窍不通,这种品质生活的东西,大有学问!这是专门让真正懂得咖啡的人而设的,我还是泡泡Starbucks 和 Coffee Bean吧!